Sheep were the highlight of the sale, posting price gains of $20 per head and more as estimated carcase rates moved above 400c/kg.
The lamb sale was also stronger, particularly for the lead pens which offered buyers better weight and finish in a mixed yarding.
The good trade to heavy lambs comfortably made over 800c/kg carcase weight.
The regular buying group were operating and seemed keener for numbers.
There wasn’t a lot of weight in the lamb run with no pens over 30kg carcase weight.
The best heavy crossbred trade lambs were $206 to a top of $220/head.
Dorper lambs sold to $188/head.
The middle run of trade lambs, 20-24kg carcase weight, were mostly $155 to $190/head.
The lead of the processing lambs trended at 800c to 850c/kg, while the plainer types moved up into the 760c to 800c range.
Light lambs suiting MK processing orders $120 to $152/head for the best lines.
There was a reasonable number of light Merino lambs penned which sold from $90 to $125/head.
Some heavier trade Merino lambs reached $181/head.
Competition for sheep was at much stronger levels, the majority of the yarding selling above $100/head.
There was several good drafts of Merino ewes in various wool lengths which sold from $114 to $160/head.
Heavy Dorper ewes made $160/head, while a limited selection of crossbred ewes reached $150/head.
The estimated range for most mutton was 400c to 480c/kg carcase weight.
Total sale from the day amounted to $993,172, with the average price $132.79.
Top sales:
Lambs - Michael Pisasale, $220; E.A.J & W McDonald, $218; P.C Park, $215.
Sheep - C.M Pastoral, $160; R Armitage, $160; Banyandah Pastoral Co, $160.
~ Details provided by Meat Livestock Australia market reporter Jenny Kelly, on behalf of the Denilquin Associated Agents.