Infusing life with colour: Billabong Garden Complex supported employee Daphne Crocker.
Photo by
Kelly Carmody
Flowers are like friends that bring colour to your world. They don’t worry about how they will bloom; they open up, turn towards the light and become beautiful.
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Daphne Crocker, a devoted supported employee at the Billabong Garden Complex, mirrors this grace.
She embraces the sun’s rays daily and, like a vibrant flower, effortlessly infuses life with colour, illuminating the paths of all who cross hers, even on a cloudy day.
For 18 years, she has radiated warmth and a cheerful spirit within the complex, greeting her fellow staff members daily with a smile. Many admire and enjoy her joyful spirit and wicked sense of humour.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long; time catches up with you,” Daphne said.
“It’s like a family, and I absolutely love it here.”
After finishing at Graham St Special School at age 18, the Melbourne-born Cobram girl said she needed a break.
However, at age 22, after meeting a woman from Connect GV who helped provide individualised options for local people with a disability to achieve their dreams, she said her whole life changed.
Tuesday through Thursday, Daphne can be found within the complex, partaking in many duties, from propagating to preparing orders for dispatch while having a friendly chat with customers.
Bloom: Daphne Crocker’s favourite flower is a Daphne.
Photo by
Kelly Carmody
“Aww, I love a good chat,” Daphne said.
“I like letting the customers know a good deal or a pretty flower to buy. I also like having competitions on who can grow the most from cuttings. I don’t always win, but it’s fun.
“I love helping the business grow, and I don’t think I will ever leave.”
Just as flowers thrive in diverse gardens, Daphne effortlessly bridges gaps, embraces diversity and weaves a tapestry of unity and infectious positivity that radiates throughout the complex.
Billabong Garden Complex manager Tracy Lamont highlighted Daphne’s invaluable contribution to the team, where she now plays an integral role by mentoring new and emerging supported employees.
Working friendship: Billabong Garden Complex manager Tracy Lamont with supported employee Daphne Crocker.
Photo by
Kelly Carmody
“When I first met Daphne, she didn’t have the confidence she has now,” Tracy said.
“She is so committed to work and has created her own independence, which is an incredible achievement that she should be proud of, and now she is inspiring others; how incredible is that?
“She isn’t afraid of speaking up if something doesn’t seem right, and she always looks out for others. It’s been a lovely journey to watch.”
Daphne’s journey within the complex is far from over, and between her busy bus rides from Cobram to get to and from work three days a week, her favourite thing to do outside working hours is also gardening.
“I love gardening, everything gardening. I am addicted to it,” Daphne said.
“And coffee, and Christmas, aww, I love Christmas, and Home and Away and my mum.
“When I am not at work, I write to friends and see how their week has been, or I spend time in my garden and with my mum. I’ve got the best of both worlds, and I can’t be unhappy with that.”
Like an irreplaceable cornerstone in a garden sanctuary, Daphne’s ability to uplift others, much like the way petals dance in the wind, spreads happiness effortlessly.
A message that serves as a reminder to embrace life’s journey, turn towards the light and bloom, no matter the circumstances.
“If you don’t be happy in life, life won’t be good,” Daphne said.
“So, smile and just be happy.”
Sea of yellow: Daphne Crocker.
Photo by
Kelly Carmody
Always happy: Daphne Crocker.
Photo by
Kelly Carmody