After serving two terms as mayor, Cr O'Keeffe was replaced by Cr Seema Abdullah on Tuesday night at a special council meeting.
Cr O'Keeffe said she was aware she did not have the backing of her councillors to go another year, but was determined to see her duties through to the end.
“I think it's important to be transparent, so I put my hand up,” she said.
“I did it for myself because I think it is important to finish what you start.”
During the special council meeting, Cr O'Keeffe said she believed now would not be the right time for mayoral change, due to the shorter term and a number of unfinished projects.
Speaking after the meeting, she said she did not think the position needed to be rotated.
“Sometimes the perception is if you have been the mayor you should step back and give someone else a turn,” she said.
Cr O'Keeffe received a nomination for deputy mayor from Cr Dennis Patterson, but her bid was unsuccessful, missing out to Cr Dinny Adem.
“I wasn't sure what way that was going to go but I put my hand up for both and that was exactly what I wanted to do,” she said.
During post-meeting talks, Cr Patterson said he believed Cr O'Keeffe "still had a lot to offer".
“She's gained a lot of experience and is a very good asset for council,” he said.
“I'm very confident she will become mayor again at some stage, nothing will stop her.”
Cr O'Keeffe said she appreciated the experience and various opportunities that had come her way during the past two years.
“I always made the most out of every opportunity and I am very passionate about putting us (Shepparton) at the forefront,” she said.
“We have seen transformational investment in the last two years and it has been such a busy time.”
Highlights for Cr O'Keeffe included visits to Canberra, Melbourne marketing event Shepp Square, the medicinal cannabis facility investment, her deputy chair role for Regional Cities Victoria and business trips to China and Hong Kong.
She was also delighted to have attended hundreds of community events and celebrations in our region.
“I have enjoyed the opportunity to be a voice for the community,” she said.
Cr O'Keeffe said she was thankful for the support of her fellow councillors over the years.
“I'm grateful for the support I have had from the others,” she said.
“We work really well as a team and I will certainly continue to show my support.”
Cr O'Keeffe is now looking forward to some reflection time as she continues working in her role as the national education and marketing manager for the Salons Group.
“It has been such a privilege and honour to be the mayor these past two years and I have loved the role, which I embraced,” she said.
“I reflect on my two terms with such positivity.”
Cr O'Keeffe confirmed she will run for council in the 2020 elections.
Cr Seema Abdullah new council mayor
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