
Corroboree captivates community

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Supporting healthcare: Natasha Smart from Ambulance Victoria. Photo by Steve Huntley
First Nations artwork on ambulance: Lindsey Macague, Natasha Smart and Sarah Crowhurst from Ambulance Victoria held a stall the corroboree. Photo by Steve Huntley
Face painting: Elijah Forbes featuring a traditional face painting. Photo by Steve Huntley
Ready for emergency: Firefighters Ian Addicott and Charles Dennis held a stall for the CFA. Photo by Steve Huntley
Reptile encounters: Sebastian Aranda from Kyabram Fauna Park. Photo by Steve Huntley
Sharing culture: Narjiic Day-Burns played the didgeridoo. Photo by Steve Huntley
Welcome to Country: Councillor Rob Amos, Mayor Chrissy Weller, Aunty Hazel Hudson and Uncle Rick Ronnan. Photo by Steve Huntley
Say hello to my little friend: Karen Kam shows off a python at the reptile display. Photo by Steve Huntley
Traditions: Narjiic Day-Burns performed a traditional dance. Photo by Steve Huntley
Performance: Maddy Walker serenaded the attendees of the Yaka Yakapna Corroboree. Photo by Steve Huntley
Smoking ceremony: Uncle Rick Ronnan and Cr Rob Amos. Photo by Steve Huntley

Featuring an array of traditional activities such as boomerang painting, rock painting, weaving, dancing and a Welcome to Country ceremony, the Yaka Yakapna Corroboree was a magnificent way to celebrate First Nations culture.

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