‘Operation Art’ is an initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, in association with the NSW Department of Education.
It's a program that encourages students in schools across all of NSW to create art to aid in the healing and recovery of kids in hospital.
At the same time, students discover purpose in art making.
Selected artworks from schools in the Western NSW and Riverina areas, including Conargo Public School, will be on display at Cowra Regional Art Gallery from April 12 to May 4 2025.
These exhibitions often attract more than 10,000 visitors from across the state.
A selection of 50 artworks are then presented to the Children's Hospital at Westmead, to continue to be displayed at the Art Gallery of NSW annually.
Each of the smaller gallery exhibitions will host a special opening ceremony and each school and student will receive an opening ceremony pack with certificates, printed invitation, lanyard and congratulatory letter.
Exhibition catalogues will be printed and available for all participating schools and students.
While the original art will remain the property of the artists, reproductions will be available for purchase by schools and families.
Being involved in the program means Conargo students and teachers will have access to workshops and professional learning opportunities in visual arts while preparing their entries.