A community garden is to be designed within the grounds of the former Mulwala Court House in Melbourne Street.
“It’s fabulous because we’ve got all the different spaces, with different microspecies on the eastern side for example in full shade,” the recently appointed consultant told the Yarrawonga Chronicle.
A seven-member Mulwala Community Garden Committee has been formed which includes the town’s police sergeant Gary Lewis as president, Tash Rust as secretary and treasurer Liz Ornsby. The community is invited to continue making suggestions.
“We will get everyone’s input then they can own it,” Mr Boyle, 74, a qualified landscape designer in horticultural science from Eltham, Melbourne said. “It’s obvious people are passionate about it.
“There are lots of things we can do, including having fruit trees. I’ve been involved in the design and making of gardens for 55 years and looking forward to working with everyone on this project.”
Unused for decades, the 1887-88 built courthouse is heritage listed and located beside the police station.
Committee secretary Tash is very much looking forward to the community garden and welcomed the appointment of a highly regarded consultant.
“This is the start of what we hope will be a fantastic project for Mulwala and the wider community,” she said.
“With Robert Boyle it’s a great opportunity to create a fabulous all-accessible community garden.
“We encourage everybody to be involved by getting on Facebook or contacting me (0408 679004) with any ideas.”
Mr Boyle is looking forward to the project sought by Sergeant Lewis after the sergeant received requests to do something about the space which had overgrown grass at times.
“It’s great to see the project making progress and moving forward with Robert’s appointment,” Sgt. Lewis said.
“It can become a design concept we can showcase to the community for generations to come and be of significance to the community.”
Sergeant Lewis has strong backing for the project from NSW Police, RMS and Federation Council. “Ideally we’re hoping to break ground in the second half of this year and to have the project completed in 12 months,” he said.