Application forms for Corowa CWA’s Wahgunyah and Corowa Garage Sale on Saturday, March 15 are available at Gyles Newsagency.
“We had 44 participants last year and we’re hoping for at least that number this year,” CWA’s Susan Pierce said.
Applications with a $15 fee can be posted to Corowa CWA at 12 River Street Corowa or taken into the Commonwealth Bank Corowa.
Applications close on Wednesday, March 12. Enquiries can be made to Susan Pierce on 0419 862 495.
Town maps and list of participants will be on sale for $2 each from 8am at the CWA rooms at 12 River Street [opposite IGA carpark] on the 15th.
In addition the CWA are taking pre orders for homemade sausage rolls, pasties and scones for pick up on 15th March. Orders close7 March and can be placed via the link on the Corowa CWA Facebook page.
On 15th March the CWA open house will be serving delicious Devonshire teas, cakes, chutneys, jams and handcraft along with our own garage sale items.
If you are having a house spring clean or have any unwanted but saleable left-over garage sale items please consider donating them to the CWA [excluding clothing]. We are also looking for donations of fruit and vegetables [excluding oranges and lemons] so we can make more jams and chutneys.
All monies raised go towards local donations and repairs to our nearly 100-year-old building.
The Girl in the Painting – unique book launch at museum
Author Dee White has written a charming children's book titled - "The Girl in the Painting" which is a story about Susie Bourne - the Tar Girl in Tom Robert's iconic painting - Shearing the Rams.
The book will be launched at the Corowa Federation Museum in June.
The Girl in the Painting is based on the true story of Corowa born, Susie Bourne, and her role in the painting of Tom Roberts’ iconic masterpiece, Shearing the Rams (1890) painted at Brocklesby Station in Corowa.
The painting is now on display at the National Gallery of Victoria.
Dee White is the award-winning, international author of more than 25 books for children and young adults. She has a passion for history and uncovering stories from the past like The Girl in the Painting, which she discovered on a family holiday seven years ago.
Ms White is cofounder of Author Pen Pals and a strong advocate for literary and young writers and has presented author talks and writing workshops throughout Australia and overseas, including the SCBWI Europolitan Conference in Amsterdam and the Sharjah International Book Fair.
The book launch will be held at the Corowa Federation Museum on Saturday, June 7 2025 at 11am.
CWA Oaklands Women’s Dinner
CWA Oaklands Women’s Dinner’s guest speaker will be Ms Robin Haberecht, CEO of Yarrawonga Health. Lucky door prize and raffles. Any questions Anna Stienstra 0423 483 612 or Heather Kerr 0447 335 201 Date: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025. Time: 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. Two-course meal + treats Oaklands RSL Bowling Club, Buller Street Entry $50.00. All tickets are pre-paid please (last day 5.00pm Friday, February 28) Via link:
Corowa District Inner Wheel Club - International Women’s Day
The Corowa District Inner Wheel Club will once again be hosting International Women’s Day. The event will be held on Friday, March 7 from 11.30am for 12noon at the Civic Bowls Club, Corowa. Tickets are $38 each for a 3-course lunch catered for by Bluegum Catering, drinks are available at bar prices. All profits will go towards Inner Wheel District A54’s project – Walk My Way, which supports refugee children in East Africa and Myanmar to access education and help a refugee child go to school. This year’s guest speaker is Anne Wescott from Corowa, Anne is very involved in our community as President of Corowa CWA, Chair of Local Health Advisory Committee of Corowa, Vice President of Corowa Lions, and many other organizations. To purchase your tickets go to Try Booking or contact Roseann Prentice Event Coordinator by emailing There are limited tickets so get in quick, so you are not disappointed.
Corowa Annual Vintage Tractor Pull & Vintage Rally
The Corowa Annual Vintage Tractor Pull & Vintage Rally will be held on March 1st and 2nd, 2025, at 241 Redlands Rd, Corowa. Entry is by gold coin donation on both days. Join us for a weekend celebrating vintage tractors and machinery with plenty of activities for enthusiasts and families alike. EFT is available for your convenience. For more information, contact Bill Petzke on 0427 856 529 or Matt McQualter on 0428 458 213.
Corowa Indoors Bowls Club social games
The Corowa Indoor Bowls Club is looking for new members to join our friendly and social games. We play on 30ft x 6ft mats, with bowls supplied by the club. Games are held every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoon from 12:30pm in the Community Room at Club Corowa. The cost is $5 per person per session, which includes a team first prize, a raffle, and tea and coffee. Come along and enjoy a great afternoon of indoor bowls! For more information, contact the secretary at 0429 922 474 or, or enquire at Club Corowa reception.
Corowa Sing Australia
Singers meet at the Oddfellows Hall, Sanger Street, 6.30pm – 8.30pm Thursday nights. All are welcome. No auditions are required. Please ring Belinda – 0439 368 460 or Robyn – 0408 991 708 for more information.
St John’s Ladies Guild
St John’s Ladies Guild are having their annual Pancake Day on Shrove Tuesday March 4 at St John’s Parish Hall from 10 am to 2 pm. Sweet and Savoury Pancakes with Tea, Coffee or Cordial. All welcome and take away orders to Sandra 0427757658 or Joy 0427292295
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer is an international Ecumenical Service held on the first Friday of March each year, in over 170 countries throughout the world. This year, the service has been prepared by the Cook Islands – 15 small, scattered volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. You are welcome to participate in the local service which is to be held at the Corowa Uniting Church on Friday March 7 at 10 am followed by morning tea.
Corowa District Darts
Corowa District Darts first social game for 2025: Drawn Doubles, Sunday 9 March 2025 at the Royal Hotel. Registration from 10.30am for 11am start. Cost: $5 per person. All are welcome. For more information, please go to: Corowa District Darts or Corowa District Darts Association on Facebook.
Corowa Wrap with Love Group Corowa Resumes
Corowa’s Wrap with Love Group is back in action, having already packed 13 rugs. Volunteers are invited to help assemble squares into warm wraps, which are distributed worldwide each year. Since the early 1990s, the Corowa branch has contributed over 5,000 wraps, part of an estimated 30,000 rugs created. We meet at St Mary’s Hall on Monday mornings at 9:30 AM (1st, 3rd, and 4th Mondays of each month) and always welcome new members. For more information, contact Carmel Packer at (02) 6033 0996 or Bev Barron at (02) 6033 2766.
Quote of the Week
“By doing justice a king gives his country stability but one who is hungry for money and fame tears it down.” Hebrew proverb.
David Sloane