Tasty: Cynthia Lim with Vanessa Malandrin at The Food Exchange. Photo: Wayne Herring
The Telegraph photographer Wayne Herring went along to capture the action at Seymour’s Community Open Day at Chittick Park on Sunday, February 19. A barbecue was provided as local clubs, groups and services set up shop to show the community what they had to offer.
Batman: Wyatt Steven, 4, of Puckapunyal. Photo: Wayne Herring
Lots on offer: Lions Club of Seymour Goulburn women are all smiles. Photo: Wayne Herring
Lesson: Seymouth Youth and Fitness Centre operator Sergio Prado (right) takes student Jacob Begley through a drill. Photo: Wayne Herring
Love the socks: Junggara Welsh, 6, Carly Welsh, 8, and Muhammad Ali, 4, inspect a Seymour Fire Brigade tanker. Photo: Wayne Herring
Saftey first: Seymour’s Will Micholson, 12 (centre), is flanked by Mangalore brothers Clancy, 7, and Finn Hull at Seymour Skate Park. Photo: Wayne Herring
Cheeky: Seymour youngster Violet, 2, shows her fiercest tiger face to mum Steph Hammond. Photo: Wayne Herring
Community spirit: Margaret and Ro Sheppherd, Dawn O'Rourke and Carol Smith represent Cancer Council. Photo: Wayne Herring
Teamwork: Mitchell Youth Services presenters Tara Kinsey and Jess Watts. Photo: Wayne Herring