The White Lion Hotel Social Club last week presented $2000 to the Friends of the Cemetery group to support the project.
Started almost two years ago and with the first 200 crosses delivered in November last year, the aim is to provide a cross and plaque for every one of the more than 1000 unmarked graves.
Friends of the Cemetery member Lyn Rose said it is quite a large undertaking which requires a lot of research and will probably take years to complete.
But Mrs Rose said generous donations like these can help deliver the project earlier than anticipated.
“We do rely on donations and fundraising for this project, and for the maintenance and other projects at the cemetery,” Mrs Rose said.
“This amazing donation from the White Lion Hotel Social Club is the proceeds from their Friday night raffles, and is very welcome.
“The Deniliquin Menshed make the crosses for us, and they cost about $3 per cross.
“They are then delivered to Riverina Funerals where Tony Marshall, who has done a lot of the research, arranges the plaques so the crosses can be installed.
“We’ve already had so many positive comments about what we’re trying to achieve.
“It was a very big step for us to take; there are so many unmarked graves out there, but we also understand so many people come looking for their family members and the records (on where they may be buried) are not always available to them.”
Mrs Rose said anyone who knows of family members at Deniliquin with an unmarked grave is welcome to come forward to provide details.
Marking the graves will come at no cost to them, unless they wish to donate to the project.
Mrs Rose said donations from others in the community would also be welcome.
You can donate or provide information by contacting Riverina Funerals on 5881 5111 or Friends of the Cemetery member June Campbell on 0488 277 229.