An overhead view of the Rochester flooding, taken by Neil Greaves in 2022.
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Time is running out for Rochester residents to share their experiences with flood insurance claims following the devastating floods of 2022.
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The Federal Government House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics is calling on Campaspe Shire residents to have their say before the July 31 deadline.
The inquiry seeks to understand insurers’ responses to claims from the major floods that happened across various regions, including Victoria, south-east Queensland, northern NSW, Hunter, Greater Sydney, Tasmania and central west NSW.
Residents affected by these events are encouraged to make their voices heard by making a submission to the committee before July 31.
This is a critical opportunity for the community to influence the committee’s decision-making process and ensure that the challenges faced during these difficult times are acknowledged and addressed.
The inquiry will cover the floods of February, March, July, October and November-December 2022.
Campaspe Shire residents are encouraged to complete a 10-minute online survey or make a submission by July 31.
Campaspe Shire Mayor Rob Amos urged the community to share their experience with the committee to help shape the future of flood insurance response in Australia.
“Your participation is essential in ensuring that the insurance industry is held accountable, and that appropriate measures are taken to support communities during such catastrophic events,” he said.
If you need assistance with the survey or wish to make a more detailed submission, resources are available to help you at council’s recovery hub in Rochester.
Rochester photographer Cristie Howe took this aerial shot of her home engulfed by the flood waters in 2022
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Assistance is also available through the Insurance Council of Australia, the General Insurance Code of Practice, and the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.