Sales will be held Saturday and Sunday.
Each garage sale holder was given the option of having a one-day or two-day sale, and they can also set their own sale times.
To help you find each one, turn to our Deni Town Garage Sale map on page 4.
There’s even a handy checklist so you know which sales you’ve already been to, and which are yet to be explored.
Free waste weekend
Also being held this weekend is one of four Edward River Council free waste weekends for the year.
The timing is a coincidence, but possibly fortuitous for any of our garage salers who don’t sell everything this weekend.
At other times of the year, rubbish disposal at the Deniliquin Waste Depot is user pays.
Please be aware, there may be some limitations on the number of items you can dispose of on free weekend.
A report to council noted that hosting free waste weekends while the user pays system is in place could result in $15,000 in lost revenue for council.
The other 2025 free waste weekends have been set for June 14 and 15, September 13 and 14 and December 6 and 7.
Flocking to the gardens
You’l note on our front page today that a large portion of the town was thrown into chaos on Tuesday morning when a bird came into contact with electricity equipment.
It’s no surprise really, as there appears to be a lot more of our feathered friends around these days.
Deni is known for its flocks of cockatoos and coreallas, and of course our park ducks, but they appear to be in greater quantity than ever these last few weeks.
In the evenings, many seem to settle in the Deniliquin Waring Gardens for a feed and to watch the sun go down.
One man was seen on Wednesday evening trying to experience the spectacle on camera.
He walked backwards toward the flock of birds, gesturing for them to take off.
It would be interesting to see how his photos or video turned out.
Bats find a new home
Speaking of the winged creatures who enjoy the Deniliquin Waring Gardens, it seems when the colonies of bats left recently, they did not go too far.
They have upgrades from lagoon views to river views, and have taken up residence in many of the trees at McLean Beach.
Sink hole fixed
The sinkhole that recently appeared in Harlfueur St, just west of Hardinge St, has been filled in again.
Appearing mid-February, the open hole was fenced off until Edward River Council could investigate and come up with the best solution.
While a cause of the void has not yet been confirmed, the sinkhole and surrounding area have been repaired earlier than expected, fences and most signage removed, and the road is open to traffic again.
There is still some signage for loose stones and gravel, and motorists are encouraged to still take care.
Seniors Fest underway
Seniors Festival kicked off this week with the early events well supported.
Edward River Council has once again partnered with U3A Deniliquin and Intereach to present some activities, and also Yarkuwa which hosted the opening event - an art session with Jo Nathan.
The session booked out early, with about 30 people enjoying the session,
Other activities funded by NSW Government grants include the movie screening of Thelma at the Deniliquin Town Hall this Tuesday from 10am, and next Saturday’s open morning at the Deniliquin Community Gardens from 10am.
You can book to attend either of these free events by calling Helen on 0400 110 749.
ERC funded activities held this week were an Author Talk with Gary Davis on Tuesday, and yesterday’s Staying Safe Online seminar.