Are You Bogged Mate?
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Enjoy a free complimentary pub meal (thanks to Strathbogie Shire Council) and hear the powerful mental health presentation Are You Bogged Mate? — designed for country blokes doing it tough. Drinks at bar prices. Bookings preferred for catering — secure your spot now.
When: 5pm to 7pm
Where: White Hart Hotel, Longwood
Cost: Free, tickets available at
Mooroopna Neighbourhood Barbecue
Dinner, good company and all-ages fun — just remember to bring a rug or chair. There’ll be no bathroom facilities on site.
When: 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Where: Smyth Reserve Playground, 32 Hall St, Mooroopna
Cost: Free
Contact: 0422 171 738 or
Mr Perfect Coffee Meetup
Join the Echuca barbecue crew for a chat and great company with Mr Perfect, a grassroots charity creating community and connection — now with Coffee Meetups, too.
When: 1pm to 2pm
Where: 513 High St, Echuca
Cost: Free
Annabelle Cleeland Euroa Cup
Enjoy quality racing all afternoon, live music and free kids’ activities. Plus, kids get free entry.
When: From noon
Where: Midland Hwy, Benalla
Cost: General admission $15, tickets availabe at
Shepparton & District Dahlia Club’s Annual Show
From tiny pompons to massive dinner plate blooms, it’s a stunning celebration of floral beauty.
When: Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 3pm
Where: Congupna Recreation Reserve
Cost: $5 adults, children are free.
Contact: Club secretary on 0407 393 359 or
Critter Craft Series: Meerkat Madness
Join us for Meerkat Madness with meerkat mask crafting, face painting and free weekend entry for kids.
When: Saturday and Sunday 10am to 3pm
Where: 75 Lake Rd, Kyabram Fauna Park
Cost: Free
Contact: 5852 2883 or
Rotary Club of Shepparton Motor Show, Market Day and Swap Meet
Check out new cars, trucks and vintage vehicles at the Shepparton Motor Show. Featuring classic cars, motorbikes, market stalls, swap meet sites, plus delicious food and drinks.
When: From 8am
Where: Shepparton Showgrounds
Cost: Show vehicle including driver $10, other adults $5. General public $5, children under 12 free.
Contact: or 0428 216 855
Shepparton Brass and Wind at Merrigum Public Hall
Enjoy a live performance from this talented band for just a gold coin donation. Bring the family and experience the music
When: From 2pm
Where: Merrigum Public Hall, 98 Morrissey St
Cost: Gold coin donations
Contact: Riverlinks box office: 5832 9511
Salsa in the Park
Dance your heart out in the fresh air — no experience needed. Bring your drink bottle and stay sun smart.
When: 4pm to 5pm
Where: Victoria Park lake
Cost: Free