Ben and Archie donned the traditional “gold” zinc cream to celebrate the community-led event on Sunday at Tongala pool.
Tongala offered a modern day twist on Australia Day as its internationally diverse community members came together at the Tongala pool for a community-led celebration.
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Sponsored by Campaspe Shire and with the support of Tongala Development Group, Tongala CFA and swimming club, there were 100-plus parents and children involved in three hours of games, music and other traditional celebrations.
Daphne, Zara and Stevie give their stamp of approval for the setting of Sunday’s Australia Day pool party.
Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh and his wife Liz were at the pool to celebrate the occasion — along with Mayor Daniel Mackrell, himself with a strong connection to the Tongala community.
The event slotted neatly into the Australia Day schedule, leading into the Kyvalley community-led celebration and the evening yabby race event at Koyuga Community Hall.
Tori and Viv were quite at home on their floating donut in the middle of the Tongala pool on Sunday.
Tongala has become a beacon for international diversity in Campaspe Shire, with several of the workers at the enormously successful H.W Greenham facility coming from island nations.
With the growth of the Coprice facility, SLTEC fertilisers, the new hydroponic tomato facility on Kerr Rd and the recently launched Tongala Nutrition (formerly Nestle) the town is leading the way in developing an industrial hub for the reigon.
Tongala Fire Brigade volunteer Ashley had the task of preparing the sausages and onions for the 100-plus people who turned out for the event.
Sunday’s celebration was, however, an open invitation for everyone to celebrate the town and its achievements in the past 12 months.
There were no community awards presented, but an enormous gathering of children was testament to the future of the town.
Serenading those who chose to celebrate Sunday’s national day by swimming were Maple and Murray.