Perfect weather: Tourists and residents enjoy ice cream for the first day of 2024. Photo: Michael Lloyd
Photo by
Michael Lloyd
After a slow start, holiday fever has hit the region as local shops report an increase in last-minute trade this year.
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“The lead-up to Christmas in the first couple of weeks of December were quite quiet. Nowhere near as busy as previous years and the last two weeks have been flat out,” Collins Booksellers’ Cindy Patzel said.
“I think with the cost-of-living crisis people weren’t sure until the last minute what they could afford to spend on Christmas.”
Big finish: After a slow start in December Cindy Patzel from Collins Booksellers said they were flat out by new year. Photo: Shannon Colee
Photo by
Shannon Colee
Ms Patzel said at this time of year people are after similar types of books.
“This is the time where people will lash out on extra picture books for kids and junior fiction books,” she said.
“For the next few weeks we’ll sell a lot of easy-to-read fiction for people that are down the river and or going camping and just want to kick back and not have a tear jerker.”
A rush in last-minute bookings was also the experience of food venues like Moama Bowling Club, according to sales and marketing manager George Santos.
“I think we had a lot of late bookings and I think because typically people are a bit shy about booking a long time ahead, especially for Christmas lunch. It took a while for the rooms to fill,” he said.
“I think people were a little more cautious just in case anything happened leading up to December.”
Hectic: Cars driving on High St on Monday, New Year's Day, in Echuca
Photo by
Michael Lloyd
According to Mr Santos, despite inclement weather people still wanted to visit the Murray for their Christmas celebration.
“On Christmas day we were full, we did over 600 lunches and we were very busy as well on Christmas night,” he said.
“The whole town has been very busy despite the rain. People still came up and it’s still very busy right through until New Year’s Eve.”
Ms Patzel said she was glad that people were shopping locally when they did but she hoped to see many more doing that.
She said buyers can really benefit from that personal touch.
“It's the product knowledge and it’s the customer service you also get from being in a locally owned store … Everyone that works here is a reader. So we’ve all got that knowledge about different books and different genres,” she said.
Overall, Ms Patzel said that it was a great way to see out the end of the year.
“It’s really good to see the tourists back in town ... it’s great to see them all back,” she said.
“To see everyone out and about and buzzing around is fantastic.”