The $7500 scholarship includes cost of travel and accommodation to Madison in Wisconsin for the expo.
POW in dairy will celebrate its tenth year at International Dairy Week in 2026 and this is its fourth scholarship.
Committee member Jade Sieben said she loved the fact that POW could send someone in the dairy industry to the pinnacle of dairy events — World Dairy Expo.
“We just love it. It is really rewarding to watch their personal growth and their growth in the dairy industry, the opportunity and confidence this scholarship brings is amazing,” Jade said.
There are no conditions around the scholarship other than the recipient must be over 21 and never travelled to the expo before.
The application must include a cover letter and resumé with a personal dairy industry reference.
The cover letter must address:
- Why you want to travel to the expo?
- Your current role/study and how the trip would enhance your career?
- Who inspires you in the dairy industry and why?
- What would the trip bring to you individually/business?
- Have you ever travelled to a show outside Australia before, if so, explain the impact it had on you.
Cohuna dairy farmer Emmalea Wishart was the last recipient of the scholarship back in 2023.
She said the trip provided her with an opportunity to not only take in all the excitement of the expo, but also network and make friendships that will last her a lifetime.
“One of the girls I met came over to IDW this year and helped out in our string, which was just so good – I would never have had the opportunity to meet her otherwise,” Emmalea said.
“I made so many great connections, met so many new people, and to see such great cows really topped it all off,” Emmalea said.
The trip also enabled her to tick off a couple of her own personal bucket list trips, including a visit to New York.
“I funded my own trip to New York, visited some farms around Madison and stayed with Maple Leigh and went on to work for them at the expo.”
Emmalea never thought she would ever be considered a worthy recipient, she urged anyone interested to just apply.
“I am just a little old farmer and I haven’t done too much or had any high achievements in the industry really, so it just goes to show if you are interested you should just apply, because you never know what might happen.
“Initially, I was just excited to get an interview,” she said.
She said the Australian dairy industry was full of wonderful and supportive women.
“There are so many women in this industry who are so deserving of this award. It has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I encourage all ladies to apply.”
Emmalea said another great thing to come out of the trip was the opportunity to participate in the Around The Barn podcast.
“Never ever did I think I would be important enough to be on the podcast.
“It was so awesome, and people who have spoken to me about the trip now know who I am because of the scholarship, which has definitely allowed me to make so many new connections,” she said.
Applications for the scholarship close on March 28 at 9pm via email to
For more information, contact Jade Sieben on 0407 377 114 or Penny Welch on 0447 765 903.
The POW Committee was established to formally recognise the contribution of women in the dairy industry.
Every year at IDW, someone is awarded the Bette Hall award, and this year’s winner was Fiona Hanks. Fiona was recognised for her passion, dedication and the extreme work ethic she shares so generously with the dairy community.
The committee now has members across most states of the country.