Like teacher, like student: Alexa Mori (left) who was taught by Wendy Baldwin (right) is one of the former St Mel’s students who have returned as teachers.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
It’s not often the student becomes the teacher, but for several St Mel’s staff members, that is what’s happened.
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The Shepparton primary school has six past students who have returned as staff members.
Prep teacher Alexa Mori is one of them.
She attended St Mel’s from Prep to Year 6 between 2004 and 2010, and now she’s back as a teacher.
It’s a full circle moment for her and fellow Prep teacher Wendy Baldwin, with whom she is team teaching.
Because 16 years ago, it was Miss Mori sitting in Mrs Baldwin’s Year 4 classroom.
Miss Mori didn’t expect to be paired with Mrs Baldwin but was enthused by the opportunity to learn from her former teacher.
“I did know Wendy was still teaching here, but I didn’t know I would be teaching in the same area,” Miss Mori said.
“She’s been a bit of a mentor to me coming into this for the first time.
“It’s nice that some of the people are familiar, like Wendy, like she taught me; now we’re teaching together.”
Teamwork: Alexa Mori and Wendy Baldwin didn’t expect to be teaching side by side.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
Mrs Baldwin, who has been teaching at St Mel’s for 23 years, taught Miss Mori in 2008 and said she was a smart yet quiet student, so it had been wonderful to see her transition into the teacher she is now.
“I think I’m the only teacher here now that was here when Alexa was here, so the odds of us working together — we didn’t think about it or expect it,” Mrs Baldwin said.
“It’s been nice for us to do that together, and we get to know each other’s classes; we work together for part of the day, and the other part of the day, we do our quiet things on our own.
“It’s actually really nice to see students, as adults, and as professionals coming along, and working alongside you building their confidence and skills, because you don’t often see your students, especially from a primary level, as adults in their working capacity.”
Other past students that have returned over the years include learning support officer Cindy Lombardozzi, Year 3/4 teacher Lauren Calder, PE and Year 5/6 teacher Cath Basile, cleaner, ground and maintenance officer Dean Simpson and principal Steve Hicks, who started this year.
A long history: Past students Steve Hicks, Lauren Calder, Dean Simpson, Cath Basile, Cindy Lombardozzi and Alexa Mori are a testament to the St Mel’s school community, now returning as staff members.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
But for Miss Mori, her teaching journey is just beginning.
“It’s nice to be back — it has a very familiar and welcoming feel about the place,” she said.
“A lot has changed, though, like we have new buildings and playground, but it just feels like home.
“Everyone’s so kind and helpful — it’s just such a nice community.”
Blast from the past: Steve Hicks, Lauren Calder, Dean Simpson, Cath Basile, Cindy Lombardozzi and Alexa Mori have loved coming back to their old stomping ground as teachers.
Photo by
Megan Fisher