Expected to shut the doors within four to six weeks, the Murchison community is desperate to save its elderly residents, save 70 jobs and ultimately save the town as the medical centre, pharmacy and neighbourhood house future remains uncertain.
Facing drought, a decimated dairy industry and skyrocketing water prices, the Murchison Community Action Group spokesperson Royden James said the town could simply not afford to lose the nursing home.
“The domino effect of this one action will decimate our town, and leave those who are most vulnerable without care, support or a home,” Mr James said.
“What is confronting Murchison could well be the scenario for hundreds of non-profit nursing homes throughout regional Australia.
“This is a disaster waiting to happen.
“The Federal Government is not prepared to help,” he said.
However, Federal Member for Nicholls Damien Drum said the government was working closely with administrators to make the sale of business attractive to buyers.
“We have had nine organisations come through and look at the facility but as of yet we haven’t been able to get any interested in entering into a purchase agreement,” Mr Drum said.
“There’s a whole range of challenges facing that facility that at the moment no-one is prepared to take on,” he said.
The financial situation of the home was outlined at a town meeting on Monday night.
“Their businesses finances have been very poorly handled and it's put that whole organisation in a very vicarious situation,” Mr Drum said.
“I think once people hear that they are going to be in a position where they will get a better understanding as to why this has happened,” he said.
Deputy Leader of the Nationals Steph Ryan also attended the meeting on Monday night as she was “greatly concerned” about the impact the home's closure would have on the town.
“Elderly residents have lost their homes, while many local residents have lost their jobs,” Ms Ryan said.
“As the state member for the area, I believe it is vital for me to be present to support the community in anyway that I can through these very difficult circumstances,” she said.
Ms Ryan said she would return to parliament this week with Murchison on her agenda.
“When Parliament resumes this week I will be asking the Andrews Government to examine the opportunity for Goulburn Valley Health to take over the management of DP Jones to ensure the aged care facility can continue to operate,” Ms Ryan said.
“There may also be a role for the state in providing ongoing funding for the community centre to ensure it can continue to operate.”
More about the Murchison nursing home
Uncertain future for Murchison nursing home
Save our aged care home, pleads Murchison community
Murchison nursing home residents petrified for the future