Krystal Fraser, 23, vanished from Pyramid Hill in the state's north after visiting a friend's house on June 20, 2009.
She was due to give birthday just days later, but has not been seen or heard from since.
Her last known call was from a Litchfield phone box, just before midnight. Her phone then pinged two towers, first in Patho and then Litchfield in the early hours of June 21.
Coroner Katherine Lorenz, who handed down her findings into the disappearance on Thursday, concluded Ms Fraser and her baby likely died shortly after the phone box call.
"Krystal's death was caused by another person," she told the court.
She found Peter Jenkinson, who was excused from giving evidence to the inquest as it may incriminate him, had lied to police and it was "highly likely" he was the person who called Ms Fraser from the phone box.
Ms Lorenz said after calling Ms Fraser at 11.59pm on June 20, Mr Jenkinson was likely involved in transporting her from Pyramid Hill to Litchfield, where her phone pinged the towers.
"I accept there is insufficient evidence for me to conclude to the requisite standard that Mr Jenkinson was responsible for her death, but I cannot exclude that he was not involved in her death," she said.
She found Mr Jenkinson had lied to police about his sexual relationship with Ms Fraser and that they were likely together around the time the baby was conceived.
Ms Lorenz ruled out other theories, including that Ms Fraser had died by suicide or had run away from home.