
Reading magic celebrated at St Anne’s

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Riley Lord, Year 2, donned his beanie and stripes to become Wally from the Where's Wally? books for the St Anne’s College book parade. Photo by Contributed
Amelia Corish, Year 1, as Wednesday Addams for the Book Week parade at St Anne's College. Photo by Contributed
Learning mentor Cindy Luksch spreads ‘fairy dust’ on the crowd. Photo by Contributed
Prep student Maliyah Bradbury as a character from Frozen. Photo by Contributed
Year 3 student Jorja Neff went dressed as a character from the May Gibbs book Nuttybub and Nittersing. Photo by Contributed
Prep student Matteo Cocomazzo, with St Anne’s College School of Wonder leader Kara McCann, won a Scholastic Book Club voucher at the school’s Book Week parade. Photo by Contributed
St Anne's College junior students had a ball celebrating the magic of reading during the school's Book Week parade. Photo by Contributed

Wallys were spotted with their stripes in plain sight, golden fairy dust was sprinkled abundantly and an army of diligent Minions assembled behind their boss, Gru, at St Anne’s College in Kialla on Thursday morning.

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