Underdog hit the big screen in Shepparton last week, at what was a successful premiere screening.
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A crowd of close to 100 people, including Gator players and fans, crowded inside the University of Melbourne auditorium on Thursday, November 21, to attend the News’ official unveiling of Underdog: The Shepparton Gators story ahead of the online launch this week.
A documentary that has been over six months in the making, Underdog explores the Shepparton Gators’ recent season coming into the Big V championship, who they are and what makes them such a unique team.
Co-directors Megan Fisher and Jay Bryce followed the team throughout the season and on Thursday were able to showcase all their hard work to the community for the first time.
Here’s what some of the Gators team had to say about the documentary:
Steve Beks: Shepparton Gators director
“What we got to see tonight was like a proud-parent moment. I just think it was a great demonstration of what the Shepparton Gators are all about. I think Jay and Megan have captured it perfectly.”
Matt Bartlett: Gators captain
“It was awesome for them to get behind the scenes and see what we’re all about, and I think they captured that really well. Absolutely fantastic effort from everybody and I recommend that people go and watch it.”
Sam Beks: Gators player
“I loved absolutely everything about it. The individual stories from each player’s perspective, the season recap, it was all fantastic, and we’re really rapt at how it went and super proud of Jay and Megan for putting in all that work. It portrayed us excellently.”
Underdog is a three-part documentary and will be posted on The News’ website on Friday, November 29, with episodes two and three released each consecutive Friday.
To check out teasers from the documentary in the lead-up to the online launch, visit The News’ website.
This screening was made possible thanks to the support of sponsors Gagliardi Scott Real Estate, the Nelson Family, Conquest Pools, state Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe, Synergy Traffic, CAF Consulting, The University of Melbourne and McPherson Media Group.
Check out some of the snaps captured on the night by the News’ Nicola Ceccato below.
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