Visitors to the Shepparton Show can meet farm animals.
Fireworks from a previous display at the Shepparton Show. They are back for Saturday, October 12
Photo by
Simon Bingham
Fireworks will return to the Shepparton Show after an absence of nine years.
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The fireworks were an iconic part of the annual show and show president Sue Trevaskis said they were delighted to have them back on the program.
Volunteers have been busy preparing the grounds for the two-day show, on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12.
Animals remain on the agenda with a dog show, youth dairy cattle competition, free camel rides, miniature horses and ponies and the popular animal nursery.
There is no poultry section this year due to the bird flu, and the show committee hopes it will return next year. Check the poultry shed for activities for children.
In the background of the show, experienced cattle handler Jasmine Cordy is running a clinic for students of the Greater Shepparton Secondary College on Thursday, October 10, and some students are expected to participate in the youth dairy competition on Friday night.
Musician, horse breaker and former rodeo rider, the outback stockman, Lachie Cossor, is bringing his one-man show and the Warren Brophy Outdoor Circus will be demonstrating entertainment normally seen in an indoor arena.
Arts and craft pavilions will be filled with entries and there will be a variety of food available in the carnival vans or with light lunches provided by the CWA.
Gates open at 10am on Friday and Saturday.
Tickets cost $55 for a family day pass, $25 for adults, $15 for secondary students and $6 for primary students. Children under five are free.
Preparing for the Shepparton Show are (from left) cattle steward Jasmine Cordy, show secretary Julie Winch and show president Sue Trevaskis.