Haeusler’s will be at the Elmore Field Days with the usual equipment and technology, but its dealer services will be different this year.
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Haeusler’s production systems manager Jordan Lee is excited to bring the Haeusler’s Hub to the site this year.
“Ag tech is always evolving and our customers continue to demand more from Haeusler’s to support their business,” Mr Lee said.
“With autonomous equipment on the horizon, now is the time to get ready for autonomy.’’
What is required for autonomy?
Mr Lee — who has a vast and diverse career in agriculture centred around machinery, agronomy and ag tech — said you needed a good solid foundation of your digital farm, correct naming of client, farms and fields with, if possible, RTK (Real Time Kinematic) geo-referenced boundaries.
“This is not only beneficial for enabling machine optimisation in the field by boundary guidance, headland turns, section control and in-field data sharing,” he said.
“It gives a grower’s data a home and can be utilised by the grower, agronomists and Haeusler’s in John Deere’s Operations Centre in making and implementing decisions by the grower.
“Operations Centre is an open platform with many different software companies now integrating.”
The higher demand on digital solutions led to the establishment of Haeusler’s Digital in 2021. Haeusler’s Digital is here to support growers navigate the many platforms in the digital ecosystem.
As part of the Haeusler’s Hub, Haeusler’s technical and digital consultants will be on hand to discuss solutions. As well as Agworld, Edge ICT (on-farm connectivity options), PCT Agcloud and Canadian company Verge Ag.
“We are excited to have Verge Ag joining the Haeusler’s Hub as we recently became the Australia retailer,” Mr Lee said.
Launch Pad by Verge Ag takes field data and produces the optimum path to travel. Launch Pad can provide boundary tracks for older generations of display.