The Magnify Sandhurst launch morning tea.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
Every student, every teacher, every school, every day.
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That is the motto of the Magnify Sandhurst teaching program, which launched at St Anne’s College on Tuesday, January 28.
At 11.15am, teachers joined staff from 50 other schools for the Magnify Sandhurst launch livestream.
The new program, which has been implemented in classrooms from the first day of this school year, aims to have students learning and behaving the same as other students in Sandhurst schools.
The new strategy is said to streamline lesson planning, with all schools receiving the same curated lesson plans made by qualified teachers.
St Anne’s principal Anthony Butts said the launch event was a success.
“We are excited to join all other schools across the Sandhurst Diocese to officially launch Magnify Sandhurst,” Mr Butts said.
“The launch was a great way to help to create momentum and excitement for Magnify Sandhurst as well as build on the work that has already been completed to date.”
He said the school was feeling positive about the program as staff and students stepped into the start of the academic year.
“This is an exciting step for us as a college, and we look forward to embracing this new program,” Mr Butts said.
“The program will see teachers delivering an explicit and direct curriculum from Foundation to Year 12.
“I am confident this will provide the students in our college with a first-class education consistently following each student as they progress through the year levels.”
Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd executive director Kate Fogarty said the program would be rolled out from 2025 to 2027 in phases.
St Mel’s Primary School had cake and morning tea to celebrate. Photo: Supplied.
She said the program was developed through a mix of evidence-based practices in teaching and learning in an aim to improve literacy and numeracy in all Sandhurst schools and limit workload for teachers.
“One of the key goals of the Magnify Sandhurst approach is to ease the workload of teachers, allowing them to focus more on how they teach rather than what they teach,” she said.
“By following a well-structured, sequential curriculum, teachers will work together to deliver the best possible education.”
The new program isn’t the only thing to be excited about at St Anne’s in 2025, Mr Butts said.
“We have an exciting year ahead as we add the final year level, Year 6, since our beginnings in 2019,” he said.
“We are also excited to move into our new learning spaces in the Stage 3B extension, which has recently been completed.
“This area includes fabrication in a vast array of disciplines including woodwork, metalwork, robotics, textiles and more.”
Notre Dame also celebrated the program launch on Tuesday, January 28. Photo: Supplied.