Kim Ackland from Melbourne University, Mooroopna Park Primary principal Hayden Beaton, speech pathologist Belinda Wood, Melbourne University speech pathology students Jade Song and Kelly Chan, and Greater Shepparton Foundation executive officer Amanda McCulloch.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
The gift of the gab, a way with words, commanders of language.
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There are many ways to describe a person skilled in language and literacy, yet many individuals, especially young students, struggle with this very ability.
That is, until OLI, the Oral Language Intervention program, flipped the script on education when it launched five years ago.
Through intensive, evidence-based assessments and interventions, the program offers crucial support for oral language and literacy development for students in Prep to Year 6 at Mooroopna, Mooroopna North, and Mooroopna Park Primary Schools.
University of Melbourne speech pathology student Jade Song working with students at Mooroopna Park Primary School.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
This year at Mooroopna Park Primary, OLI’s success has skyrocketed.
A total of 397 language and literacy assessments have been conducted, 363 group sessions to bolster students’ abilities have been hosted, and seven speech pathology placements have been arranged.
Two of which are new placement students, Jade Song and Kelly Chan.
The ‘speechy’ keen pair recently joined the team at Mooroopna Park Primary, welcomed by principal Hayden Beaton, program supporters, and soon-to-be silver-tongued students.
OLI is a partnership delivered by school-based speech pathologists Belinda Wood and Leah Hawker and supported by Going Rural Health from the University of Melbourne’s Department of Rural Health and the Greater Shepparton Foundation.
University of Melbourne speech pathology students Kelly Chan and Jade Song collaborating with speech pathologist Belinda Wood at Mooroopna Park Primary School.
Photo by
Megan Fisher