Chloe Raleigh, 13, principal Jim Laussen and Armaandeep Singh, 13, at the AngliSchools 40th Anniversary Eucharist. Photo: Supplied.
All Saints Anglican School captains have returned from their trip far west.
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School captains Chloe Raleigh and Armaandeep Singh, alongside principal Jim Laussen, travelled to Perth to commemorative a big occasion in the Anglican school community.
AngliSchools, the Anglican Schools Commission, is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2025, prompting big celebrations for all the schools across Australia.
From Victoria, All Saints was joined by three other schools all part of the Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta, including Trinity Anglican College in Albury, Cathedral College in Wangaratta and Cobram Anglican Grammar.
All Saints Anglican School captains and representatives of the Anglican Archdiocese of Wangaratta and the surrounding schools. Photo: Supplied.
“Us four schools would stay together most of the time, and we travelled around to different schools, and then went to the big 40th celebration,” Chloe said.
The trip was extra special for Chloe and Armaandeep, neither of whom had been to the state before.
“It was really fun and exciting because we had never (been) to Perth before,” Armaandeep said.
“We stayed there for three days, and we explored the city a little bit.”
“It was really nice there. I found it’s really clean compared to Melbourne,” Chloe said.
The 40th anniversary was held on Friday, March 7 at St George’s Cathedral in Perth, with all 16 schools in attendance.
“St Marks, being the oldest school was the crucifer, and our school being the youngest, we were the acolytes,” Chloe said.
“So we had to carry the candles down the altar.
“I found that a really cute way of representing the oldest school and the youngest school.
“It was a really great and wholesome celebration.”
The school captains are both in Year 8, the current highest year level at All Saints, and are looking forward to the year ahead as some of the youngest leaders in the school captain cohort.