The settlement will see VFF UDV remaining a member of ADF, “working collaboratively for the benefit of Victoria’s dairy farmers” the presidents of the VFF, UDV and ADF said in a joint statement on Friday, March 7.
The long-running dispute between the two advocacy groups was over the issue of $500,000 owed by the VFF to ADF, and had reached a stalemate in February 2024.
At the time, the VFF claimed ADF membership fees were ‘unfair’ and did not represent value for money for all Victorian dairy farmers and UDV members.
The VFF had told the ADF in October 2022 that it would no longer pay fees under its current membership structure.
There has been a change in leadership at the VFF since then.
“This partnership represents the beginning of a new era for VFF where in-fighting has ended and the focus has shifted to outcomes for members,” VFF president Brett Hosking said.
“I want to thank the team at ADF for meeting collaboratively with VFF to reach this exciting opportunity.”
VFF UDV President Bernie Free said the resolution of this dispute between the VFF UDV and ADF was both welcome and long-awaited.
“During this period VFF UDV and ADF have continued to collaborate in good faith, serving farmers on ADF’s National Council and Policy Advisory Groups,” Mr Free said.
“However, it will be reassuring for all in industry to have this settled in recognition of what dairy farmers really want, which is for us to get on with the business of dealing with the issues affecting dairy farmers.”
ADF president Ben Bennett said it had been a challenging time, and he was relieved to finally reach an amicable resolution and agreement to work together in good faith.
“The critical issue now is to focus on our core business and the path forward,” he said.
“That includes ensuring grass roots dairy farmers have certainty regarding the financial sustainability and autonomy of their representative bodies to champion dairy farmer issues.
“Victoria represents 64 per cent of Australian milk production, so it is critical we are united and working together.”