Michael Doherty, 11, and golden retriever Reddy are best mates.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Reddy the retriever is described by his family as being 40kg of fun puppy love who delivers the occasional body slam — lovingly, of course — when he runs past.
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“He is a big goof ball,” Shepparton’s Louise Doherty said of the family’s dog, whom they got to keep 11-year-old only child Michael company.
“Reddy is amazing with Michael,” Mrs Doherty said.
“We often find Michael laying on Reddy having some quiet time and Reddy is sound asleep.
The pair loves to lounge around together between playtimes.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
“Michael and Reddy are quite the duo, they are always not far from each other.”
Mrs Doherty, her husband Tim and their son welcomed now 22-month-old Reddy when he was a playfully-bounding, clumsy-footed puppy.
Reddy will turn two in May.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
“Our friend’s dog had the litter, so we were able to see the pups grow from birth, which was great,” Mrs Doherty said.
“Michael picked out Reddy. He was originally going to be called Johnny.”
Reddy and Michael play for hours.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
All the pups in the large litter had different coloured collars to distinguish them from each other.
Reddy’s was, you guessed it, red.
The name stuck.
Reddy was named for the colour of his first collar.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
The cheeky golden wants to be where his family is at all times, sleeping by Michael’s bedroom door through the night and laying parallel to the dinner table while his humans dine, just to ensure he’s well in earshot when he’s called for the scraps.
Reddy will tell you when he’s hungry.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
He also loves to hang out with the family’s cat, Mac, who isn’t the biggest fan of Reddy’s attention but puts up with it.
“Reddy would love for Mac to love him back,” Mrs Doherty said.
“Mac is tolerating him more now; they can lay next to each other for a period of time.”
Reddy loves to play tug-o-war with Michael.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
The energetic pooch loves to play tug-o-war, go for walks and hang out with his mum and one of his siblings from the same litter, who live conveniently close by.
Please won’t you take me for a walk?
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Alas, like many pets, Reddy does have a couple of undesirable traits, such as stealing socks from the Dohertys’ shoes and ever-so-gently removing Mrs Doherty’s scrunchie from her hair any day she attempts to wear one.
But those big puppy dog eyes, wide smile and loving leans on legs make it easy to forgive him for his somewhat amusing mischief.
Reddy is an energetic and playful young dog.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
The big, golden overflowing handful of liveliness will suffice as the family’s sole dog with the Dohertys adamant they have no plans to add to his reign of mild mayhem just yet.