Ms Brown has been working as a business intelligence analyst at Goulburn-Murray Water for the past 15 years and also volunteers at St Anne’s Sports Association committee and the Shepparton United Soccer Club.
She said she was excited to be accepted into the program.
“It is something I have been thinking about doing for a long time,” Ms Brown said.
“I have spoken to a few different people at G-MW who have completed the program, and they have all spoken highly of it and encouraged me to apply.”
Ms Brown said she hoped the program would further her engagement with the community.
“It looks like a fantastic group of people undertaking the program, so I am keen to see how we can work together to make a difference in our region,” she said.
“I am really interested in using the volunteer roles I currently hold to make community sport more accessible to people, including providing people with disabilities more opportunities to engage, so I am hoping the program will help give me some of the skills and contacts to make this happen.”
G-MW insights and information manager John Weber said he believed Ms Brown would thrive in the program.
“Teigen is a valuable member of our team and is very passionate about her work and her community,” he said.
“Participating in the program is a great opportunity for her and will benefit both G-MW and her community through the skills she gains and connections she makes.”
The Fairley Leadership Program is a community-based leadership program within the Goulburn Murray region.
Candidates from different sectors of the region are evaluated for their leadership potential and dedication to community support.