Ready to ride: Year 6 students Macey Weidenbach and Tremaynee Gawne with Year 3 student Indiana Blake.
Photo by
Jay Bryce
Students at Ardmona Primary School are getting the wheels turning this Friday, March 24, for Ride2School day.
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Ride2School is a program that encourages more than 350,000 students Australia-wide to get fit on their way to school.
Principal Jean Varty said most students would not be able to ride from Mooroopna to the school, but that they would be having a local ride at the school with new bikes the school had recently acquired through an Active Sport grant.
“It’s the safety aspect for us; we encourage families to ride with their kids here but for those who can’t, we’re going to be having a ride anyway,” Ms Varty said.
“A great opportunity because we’ve just got these new bikes, so it would be good to get them in action.
Pit crew: Students with wellbeing teacher Nathan Turner.
Photo by
Jay Bryce
“We’re going to do two rides; Nathan is the fit guy who will take the quick riders and I will take the more relaxed kids for a more leisurely ride.”
The school also recently acquired a trailer, so the kids are “good to go”.
Ms Varty said the school planned to not just do bike rides this week, but get children on the bike track into Shepparton over the next few weeks.
She said the school was going to Eaglehawk for the Walk for Autism fundraiser, and was hoping to bring the bikes for use on bike trails.
“It’s about getting fit and active in terms of getting people to school, and just getting the kids on the bike,” Ms Varty said.
“We have a lot linked to safety this week as well; tomorrow, we’re actually heading into the fire brigade and safety expo in Mooroopna, so it’s pretty much all under one umbrella.”