
Dinner goes progressive

At the fundraising dinner for the Kyabram chaplaincy program was, from left, Sue Wally, Jan Amery, chaplain Liz Spicer, pastor David Lloyd and chaplain David Czech.
From left, Judy Deledio, Patti Harrison, Malcolm Scott and chaplain David Czech. They were attending the fundraising dinner for the Kyabram chaplaincy program.
Supporting the Kyabram chaplaincy dinner were Matthew and Priscilla Smith, with their children, Amara, 2, and Joshua, 14 months.
Young Indigenous artists Teague and Nataliah Miller presented two symbolic paintings to Kyabram chaplains, David Czech and Liz Spicer, at a fundraising dinner for the Kyabram chaplaincy program. The painting on the left represents the Trinity, and on the right a gathering around the Holy Bible and the centrality of the cross to the Christian faith.
Young people from the Chosen Youth Community Church supported the recent chaplaincy fundraising dinner. At the rear is Matt Smith, with Emily McConnell and in the second row, Rach Costello, Nicole Lacey and Aleisha Bull; at front is Gracie Lloyd, Peyton Miller and Vika Yarygin.

A progressive dinner attracted 100 people and raised money for the Kyabram P-12 school chaplaincy program on Friday, June 21.

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