Everything at Be Mellow will be discounted as days count down to the closing date.
Photo by
Sharlene Baldo
Two years ago, Kellie Beverly decided to turn her life upside down by adding a little ‘sparkle, bling and flora’ into her work.
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When Kellie’s mother sadly passed away after a 10-year battle with dementia, she found herself feeling miserable.
But she didn’t want to feel that way for ever.
Although Kellie ran L’Barza Apartments in Shepparton, she yearned to create something special in memory of her mum.
“I wanted to do something fun, and also something that would honour my mum because she was a real shopper, a bargain shopper,” she said.
“She always loved her trinkets, and you know, all the floral clothing and that sort of thing, so I just had an inspiration.
“That’s why it was called ‘Be Mellow’ because my mum’s name was Barbara, so the ‘Be’ was for her.
“I quickly inquired with a real estate agent, and it just so happened on that day the previous owners were given notice to move out in a month.
“Everything just fell into place really easily.”
Be Mellow was born out of devotion, passion, love and a lot of homeware.
But as time went by, fashion began to flourish, with most of the product having shifted to clothing, jewellery and accessories.
The shop Kellie had created became a ‘wonderland’ where women could not only dress up, but also form bonds and connections with each other and the staff.
“We’re not just a boutique,” she said.
“We’re about making friends, being kind, helping women to feel great in their own skin and feel confident in what they wear.
“People come in and they hug and they tell stories and they cry, and it’s a real place of connection.”
Although Be Mellow started off as a tribute to Barbara, Kellie simply wanted to “make people happy”.
Be Mellow staff members Cassandra Fitzsimmons, Stacey Gledhill, Kellie Bervely and Jenny Hainsworth.
Photo by
Sharlene Baldo
But all good things must come to an end.
Unfortunately, economic times proved too difficult to continue running Be Mellow.
“So, the first year, we did well,” Kellie said.
“We did well enough to stay open, and then we thought the next year would just go from strength to strength, but with the economic times, there’s been a downturn.”
Be Mellow will officially be closing on Saturday, March 29.
Before then, everything will be sold at a discounted price.
Following Be Mellow's closure, Kellie plans to take a well-deserved break, recharge and channel her energy into growing her other business.
“We would like to thank them (our customers) so much for their enthusiasm and support and love for our shop ... and their friendship,” Kellie said.
“Our regulars are the most supportive people ever ... without them supporting us, we would’ve closed earlier.
“I just want to thank them for their kindness and support.”
For more information and to keep track of updates, visit the Facebook page at tinyurl.com/BeMellow