This term Nanneella Estate Primary School students are involved in a special project called FEAST, which stands for Food Education and Sustainability Training.
The program has been developed by OzHarvest, an Australia-wide volunteer and charity group whose focus is on food rescue and reuse, education and sustainability.
As part of the program, our students learn what goes into producing and preparing healthy food and all the things we can do to avoid food waste.
They will also be creating and cooking healthy recipes and collating them into a cookbook.
Here are some facts that our students have discovered about food waste and a message that they would like to share with others.
• Food waste is when uneaten or used food is thrown out or put in the bin. It is a big issue not just for us, but for our community and our planet.
• Food waste doesn’t only waste food, it wastes lots of other resources including, land, seeds, water, fertiliser, labour, fuel and packaging. All these things cost lots of money.
• The world’s combined food waste is the third biggest cause of greenhouse gases, after emissions from USA and China!
• The top 5 wasted foods are fruit, vegetables, bread, bagged salad and leftovers.
It’s really simple to stop food waste.
It’s important that we make an effort for all of us and for our planet.
We all need to make sure we do the best we can to minimise food waste in our homes and schools.
One idea to try is the ‘Look, Buy, Store, Cook’ mantra.
• LOOK to see what we already have before we go shopping and use that first.
• BUY only what you need.
• STORE your food correctly in sealed containers and at the correct temperature.
• COOK with the food that needs using first.
Our school also recently received cooking equipment from the Oz Harvest FEAST program, which our students were able to put to the test to create healthy snacks.