Choosing the right gear to suit my build has always been a high priority, so with that in mind, I decided it was well worth giving Crispi a go for my latest pair of boots. Deep down, I always knew I was never wearing the right boots for me, but after years of trying different styles and brands, I just stuck with the ones that felt right at the time and I made them work by wearing sock liners (which I do highly recommend). I had only ever heard positive feedback from a lot of friends that were running Crispi boots so it made perfect sense to give them a go.
The boots really were very comfortable from the start and took minimal breaking in. Without a word of lie, when I first put on my pair of Dakota GTX boots, it felt like they were personally made for my feet. I had heard some pretty epic stories about Crispi so my standards were set pretty high from the get go and thankfully they did not disappoint.
One of the features I really loved is how the laces have multiple lockers, personally I find it hard getting the perfect tightness, I have always found it will loosen over a hunt and you lose the stability where you need it most. Being able to lock your lace in, then keep the same level of tension by adjusting the laces to give the level of support that is right for you is so beneficial. It’s these rarely thought about features that I really appreciated.
In my opinion, the best asset of the boot is the ‘Ankle Bone Support System’ (ABSS), it provides excellent stability and support, therefore reducing fatigue and giving me the ability to hunt longer without any extra aches and pains. I have a few chronic injuries so having the right stability and control while hunting in all different conditions has given me so much confidence. I can also very happily confirm that with these boots I have not once felt a single bit of pressure or friction that creates those nasty little hot spots that sometimes turn into blisters.
In saying that, I do believe the ‘Instant Fit philosophy’, with the combination of multiple technology elements that Crispi use to produce every single boot, is what makes these boots stand out from previous brands I have used.
Our hunting environment can be so vast and varied, so I do love that Crispi provide such a versatile boot that can adapt and work in any condition. In Victoria you really can experience all four seasons in one day, so knowing you have a boot that has the capacity to withstand these kind of conditions, efficiently endure the steep rocky bluffs we find ourselves adventuring to while offering great comfort with a waterproof membrane is definitely a valuable asset to have in your hunting cupboard.
Sometimes it’s the little things that all add up and hold so much significance and importance.
Personally, I will be sticking with Crispi, they tick every box I need and the Dakota GTX really has been the perfect all-rounder for me. When I was doing some prior research, I found one statement from their website that completely resonated with me; “If you look after your footwear, it will look after you!”
Another great bonus that I love about Crispi, is that they support the ADA in what they do, as well as donating gear for raffle prizes. Sharing the same values and ethics is so important for the future of public land hunting.