Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Area Wide Management Program co-ordinator Ross Abberfield said the survey would take about two minutes to complete.
“By participating in the survey, community members can play an active role in informing and identifying important education activities that are aimed at supporting the community to manage fruit fly,” Mr Abberfield said.
The program was established in 2017 and brings together government, industry and the community to apply control and education measures across the whole region.
The program includes the council areas of Moira, Greater Shepparton, Strathbogie, Campaspe and Berrigan.
Program partners include Cobram and District Fruit Growers Association, Fruit Growers Victoria, Summerfruit Australia and Lions International.
“Fruit fly control needs to be carried out by the whole community to be effective and relies on the program’s capacity to increase community awareness, education and engagement about fruit fly management,’’ Mr Abberfield said.
“Effective fruit fly control by the whole community is essential in protecting our region’s multi-million dollar horticultural industry, our regional economy and the lifestyle our region is so well known for.
“By asking the community to complete the short online survey it allows us to understand the community’s knowledge of fruit fly and where we should be concentrating our education efforts to make sure we are doing everything possible to effectively manage the pest.”
The survey is open to all residents in the Goulburn Murray region and will close Friday, August 5.
The survey is available via https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GMVfruitflyCHB23LX or at www.fruitflycontrol.com.au