Ronny from Tonny is a long-necked turtle native to the area that’s teaching the kids at Tongala Primary School about the values most important to the community.
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He used to fit in the palm of your hand, but now Ronny from Tonny sets an example of positive school behaviour for the students to aspire towards, and what the schools three values — respect, resilience and responsibility — look like in practice.
Students are always working towards living these values and behaviour is always top of mind at the school.
“We call it ‘being like Ronny’ — the kids will say that at assembly and such — show the three R’s and be like Ronny,” wellbeing co-ordinator Melissa Pearce said.
The whole community had input into which values would be prioritised, with prominent Lions Club member and Tongala artist Murray Ross helping design the Ronny from Tonny logo.
When the kids follow the example set by Ronny from Tonny, they rack up Ronny Points to spend at the Ronny Shop.
And while this in itself is a great incentive to live the school values, Ronny Points also count as house points.
Ronny gives the kids an opportunity to learn leadership and problem solving, teaching them soft skills well beyond their years that will give them an edge in the future.
A position at the Ronny Shop is a coveted leadership role for the Grade 6s. They write a letter outlining why they should get the gig, not unlike a resume, and then go through a job interview.
“And it's all entirely run by the kids. They come in here ... they put their hats and their aprons on and off they go,” Ms Pearce said.
They chose a turtle to symbolise the concept of “slow and steady”, Ms Pearce said.
“We don’t expect the kids to get there straight away, but they’re making progress along the way ... We teach the behaviours, slow and steady, and then all of a sudden they’re doing it.”
Tongala Primary School has even implemented software that provides a pay cheque that can be printed off and taken home to show their parents how well the children been behaving at school.
And to top it off they even have a full-body Ronny mascot suit that some unfortunate teacher’s assistant is obliged to wear to some assemblies.