Bigarrumdja Yama — Emu Run in English — is a game produced by Ms Atkinson and the Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation Language Program, with all of the artwork done by Ms Atkinson herself.
“I’m just trying to get the language out there,” Ms Atkinson said.
“I find kids engage through fun and playing, so I came up with a board game firstly for kids, because I was working with kids, but then I thought it would be good for the whole community, adults included.”
Ms Atkinson worked on the game for about six to eight months from first draft to publication.
“The first draft was on the back of a cereal box,” Ms Atkinson said.
“I took my scrap cardboard and my bits of paper to Joel (Harrison, from WCC Language Program) and he was able to get it all published through the language program.”
Bigarrumdja Yama is free to order from the WCC Langauge Program Facebook page at with limits to one per person or household.
“Anyone can get a game, if you go to Facebook and order one from the WCC Language Program page,” Ms Atkinson said.
“I haven’t come across a Yorta Yorta game before, so I was pretty proud that it’s one of the first.”