With one Australian diagnosed with cancer around every five minutes – the same length as an average tea break – Aussies can make a difference with every mug by registering for this year’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.
This May, the Cancer Council is encouraging Aussies to gather with their friends, family and workmates for a cuppa to raise life-saving funds to fight cancer.
Since 1993, Australians have hosted tens of thousands of morning teas and raised over $200 million, helping to fund life-saving research and vital support for those affected by cancer.
Although Thursday, May 22, is the official date to host a morning tea supporting the Cancer Council – you can host as an individual, community group or business any time in May or June.
To get involved, register a morning tea today or donate at biggestmorningtea.com.au
If you are planning on hosting a tea party, please email Ky Free Press on editorial@kyfreepress.com.au so we can help promote the event and head along to capture the fun.