PREMIUM News Traffic alert | Restabilisation works on Ford Rd By Georgia Tacey Mar 11, 2025 Traffic will be affected along Ford Rd. Photo by Megan Fisher Roadworks will begin soon in North Shepparton. Hold tight - we’re checking permissions before loading more content Greater Shepparton City Council has advised that Ford Rd between Numurkah Rd and Kakadu Dve will be affected by restabilising works. The upgrade works will include stabilising a section of the road followed by resealing. It will also include spraying hot bitumen and immediately spreading stone aggregate on this section of Ford Rd. The works will take place on Thursday, March 13 from 7am to 6.30pm, weather permitting. Traffic delays are expected, with motorists encouraged to seek an alternate route. The road will remain open during the works, with traffic management for access to residents and properties maintained. Road users and pedestrians are asked to take care and obey all on-site signage and direction provided by traffic controllers. For more information, contact council’s projects team on 5832 9700 or email News Traffic alert | Marlboro Dve drainage works set to commence By Georgia Tacey Journalist
News Shepparton’s own board game ready for revealIt’s been licensed locally in 113 countries, printed in 46 languages and in countless special editions. Now, Shepparton’s own special edition is about to hit shelves. By Bree Harding
News To market, to market, to buy some used goodsHilary Grigg and Aline Davies host their In My Closet market once every season. By Bree Harding