Works on Tuppal Creek, located between Mathoura and Deniliquin, have begun. Photo: Supplied.
Major works are now under way at both Tuppal Creek and the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest as part of the Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism program.
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New $4 million clear span bridges will be installed along Tuppal Creek to improve connectivity between the Murray and Edwards Rivers, while a $3.3 million levee is being built at Shear Paddock west of Moama.
NSW Minister for Water Rose Jackson said the levee will have significant benefits for the environment and local communities.
“These upgrades will return more water to the system, reducing the need for buybacks and revitalising the stunning Koondrook-Perricoota Forest,” she said.
“The longer-term benefits of these works include benefits for tourism and recreation in the region, as well as protecting private landholders from impacts caused by higher flows.
“We will continue to work closely with communities, landholders and First Nations groups as this work progresses.”
Shear Paddock in the West of Moama will receive a 5.9 km earthen levee. Photo: Supplied.
The infrastructure is also expected to help revitalise the river red gum woodlands and create breeding opportunities for native Australian plants, fish, birds, reptiles, birds, marsupials and the endangered Southern Bell frog.
The projects are two of five accelerated SDLAM projects being delivered in NSW under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Altogether, these projects will directly contribute 45 gigalitres towards the plan’s 605 GL environmental water target.