As the Labour Day long weekend approaches, Victoria’s fire and land management agencies are urging campers to prioritise campfire safety.
Since July 2024, Forest Fire Management Victoria and the CFA have responded to nearly 250 campfire-related incidents.
“Campfires that escape are a big problem in Victoria,” FFMVic chief fire officer Chris Hardman said.
“Always fully extinguish campfires with water, not soil, and make sure it’s cool to touch before leaving, as gusty winds can easily carry embers from a campfire into the bush, posing a serious fire risk.”
Parks Victoria executive director of operations Kylie Trott reminded campers that fires were only allowed in dedicated fireplaces in most Victorian parks.
“Not all parks or campgrounds allow campfires,” Ms Trott said.
“There are some limited areas where campfires are permitted outside of constructed fireplaces, but you need to check before you go.”
CFA chief officer Jason Heffernan said that during two total fire ban days, it was “concerning to see several illegal campfires”.
Campers are advised to download the VicEmergency app and familiarise themselves with local regulations.
Penalties for breaching campfire rules can reach $19,759, while lighting fires during a total fire ban can result in fines up to $47,421 and/or two years imprisonment.
Report unattended campfires to 136 186 or call 000 to report a bushfire
For more information on campfire rules, visit the CFA website.