Shepparton Sports Stadium will play host to the Shadowplay by Peppers Graded Two and under-13/15 AIA Junior Circuit on June 14-15.
And while the event name isn’t exactly catchy, the action will be gripping.
Top talent will be racing around Shepparton’s courts, lifting, lobbing and smashing, with some of Victoria’s budding stars in the sport descending to take on our local hopefuls.
The tournament forms part of Badminton Victoria’s pledge to bring high-quality badminton to regional areas, offering local players more opportunities to compete.
The Graded Series welcomes players of all skill levels to ensure fair competition, while the Junior Circuit provides valuable experience for young athletes under-13 and 15 in a supportive setting.
City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali was pleased to usher in another sporting event to the region.
“We are thrilled to be hosting a state badminton event for junior and graded players, welcoming participants from across the state to our region,” he said.
“Greater Shepparton has a rich history of hosting high-profile sporting events, including badminton tournaments that showcase the excellent facilities we have here.
“We hope the two-day stay will be a fantastic experience for all the boys and girls, giving them the chance to enjoy some of our wonderful home-grown produce at local restaurants and cafés.
“We wish all competitors the best of luck as they take to the courts at Shepparton Sports Stadium to compete for the titles up for grabs.”
Badminton Victoria chief executive Clint Proctor complimented Shepparton’s reputation as a sporting destination, noting the value of hosting the tournament in regional areas.
“It’s our commitment at BV to promoting and strengthening badminton growth even in regional areas, including bringing the competition back to Shepparton, which has a strong history of hosting state badminton events,” he said.
“Regional tournaments like this provide players outside metro areas the chance to compete and improve their skills while strengthening the local badminton community.”
For interested parties, updates will be rolling on Badminton Victoria’s website with entries opening soon.
Spectators can catch the action for free, with everyone invited to watch the spectacle at Shepparton Sports Stadium.
For further information, phone council on 5832 9700 or email