Moira Foodshare co-ordinator James Rouel.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
In a win for vulnerable families across the district, Moira FoodShare has announced that chilled food delivery has returned.
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The new freight arrangement, inked by Foodbank Victoria, enables Moira FoodShare to once again distribute fresh produce, including items loaded with protein such as perishable dairy products.
Moira FoodShare co-ordinator James Rouel said the deal was a game-changer for the communities the organisation supports.
“This is a huge win—not just for Moira FoodShare, but for every rural town, every family struggling to put fresh food on the table, and every small food relief service fighting to make a difference,” Mr Rouel said.
“We’re incredibly grateful to Foodbank Victoria for listening and taking action.
“Fresh, nutritious food is often the hardest to access in rural areas. Losing our refrigerated supply was a massive blow, but we didn’t back down. We pushed, we problem-solved, advocated loudly for our region and thanks to Foodbank Victoria’s commitment to regional communities, we now have a solution.”
Bare shelves at Moira FoodShare were testimony to reported funding cuts to chilled good delivery in September last year.
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Now able to distribute chilled food once more, Moira FoodShare will be better positioned to support its network of local relief organisations.
Mr Rouel said the announcement was proof of what happens when communities come together to find solutions.
“We can’t wait to get this food out to those who need it most,” he said.
The announcement comes almost six months after a letter from Foodbank Victoria informed Moira FoodShare that the agency would no longer deliver as many chilled goods to regional and rural FoodShares due to funding cuts by the Victorian Government.