St Anne’s College school captains Alick Jarvis and Liliana Cirillo are ready to take on the challenge.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
The News is chatting to Shepparton’s young leaders to find out more about the 2025 school captains.
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Recently, The News caught up with St Anne’s College captains Liliana Cirillo and Alick Jarvis.
School captain Liliana Cirillo has a focus on wellbeing.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Liliana Cirillo
Liliana was ready to take on a new challenge, and decided becoming school captain was the perfect way to push herself.
“I want to really push myself out of my comfort zone,” she said.
“I just love being involved, and being a part of the school’s community.”
As captain, Liliana wants to bring the school community together.
“I want to build on that sense of community, and create more ways the whole school can get involved with activities and everything,” she said.
“I’m really passionate about wellbeing, like we have a great wellbeing space and (I want to highlight) the importance of mental health.”
This is her first leadership position within the school, and she said she was excited to land the role.
For her Year 12, she is studying economics, business, history revolutions, general maths and English.
Outside class, she loves spending time with family, and helping her mum with her business.
Next year, Liliana is headed for Melbourne, where she hopes to study in the heart of the city.
School captain Alick Jarvis has lots of big plans.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Alick Jarvis
Alick has always been interested in leadership, so when the opportunity for school captain came up, he knew he had to apply.
“I really love getting involved, and I really like the opportunity to be able to talk to anyone and everyone I can,” he said.
“I want to be a person that people can go to if they ever need help, whether it’s just a chat or if they have an idea.
“I saw it as a really good opportunity to be able to connect with everyone at the college and the community as well.”
As a school captain, Alick said he would continue to foster a sense of community within the school.
“I want to continue what St Anne’s is meant to be; it’s a community place, and we were always meant to be part of the community,” he said.
“We were always meant to try and improve on it and really start to teach the new generation about why being connected with others is important and why looking at kindness and hard work and understanding is important not only in Shepparton but in Australia as well.
“So really being able to connect with the community is what I hope I can bring, and hopefully attain that goal.”
This year, Alick is studying biology, PE, health and human development, English and university level psychology through Deakin University’s accelerate program.
Next year, he hopes to continue his studies with Deakin University in Geelong, as he continues his psychology studies.
Outside the classroom, Alick loves being in the water, and is part of the Shepparton Swim Club. He is also involved in dance and theatre with the Goulburn Valley Academy of Ballet.