The Deniliquin VRA Rescue Squad was activated on Tuesday afternoon following a report of a single vehicle collision on Wakool Road.
The driver of the vehicle was extricated from the vehicle by the Deniliquin VRA Rescue Squad before being transported to hospital by NSW Ambulance.
The Deniliquin VRA Rescue Squad also want to stress the importance of safety over the upcoming long weekend.
“With a long weekend just days away we want to remind everyone to please be safe on the road and enjoy our waterways safely too,” Deniliquin VRA posted to their Facebook page.
Deni Easter Art Show
Edward River Art Society and the Rotary Club of Deniliquin proudly present the 32nd Annual Deniliquin Easter Art Show in 2025, taking place from Friday, April 18 to Monday, April 21.
Entries are now open - we invite artists from across the Deniliquin region and beyond to enter, with $20,000 in prize money and commendations to be awarded.
Getting the chance to win a share of the $20,000 prize money pool should be incentive enough to enter.
Considering being able to work on a potential passion and be part of a show with such a rich history, why wouldn’t you?
With a few months until the show itself, there is an opportunity to get your masterpiece sorted before the cut off date of Friday, March 14.
DBC through the years
The Deniliquin Bowling Club have a put a call-out to the community in the hope of finding some old club memorabilia.
The club hopes to create a display from the items collected, to be placed in the bowling club.
“Hello members and followers, we are looking for old local bowling club memorabilia for a wall display when we finish the refurbishment of our downstairs entry.
“For example wooden bowls, measuring tapes, photos etc preferably pre-1980 (the older the better). If you have anything you’d consider donating get in touch with Steve King 0428 291 448,” the club posted on Facebook on Tuesday.
Coaching clinic for Heelers
The upstart Deniliquin Blue Heelers Rugby League Club will have an NRL development officer on hand at their next training session.
Scheduled for the Wednesday, January 29 training, NRL Development Officer, Brittany Everett, will be running the coaching clinic for all interested in getting down to it.
The club is still searching for coaches for their men and women teams before the start of the season, Saturday, May 24.
As well as this, the club have also continued to urge all interested in playing to register as a player at, before they close on February 28.
The coaching clinic on January 29 will start at 6.30pm as per regular training times, which will be followed by a free sausage sizzle.
The training/coaching clinic will be held at Rotary Park.
Fishing comp prizes and sponsors
The Edward Kolety Fishing Challenge has been a highly anticipated event, as it should be.
The prizes to be won, the included extras for the price of the ticket and just getting the chance to wet a line are enticing aspects of the challenge.
Included in the price of a ticket, beside entry to the challenge, are entries into the lucky door prize to win the boat and motor package from Deniliquin Yamaha, and five meal vouchers from Café 100 for the weekend.
On top of all of this, you will receive a goodie bag, including an official brag mat, information leaflet and maybe even something from sponsors.
Sponsors of the challenge have been named and will include Deni Autoglass - Tinting - 4x4, Harvey Norman Deniliquin, Wired Entertainment and Cruizin* Diner Deniliquin, Middy’s Deniliquin, K.B. Engineering and Northside Car Solutions.
As well as all those named sponsors for the event, there has been as many donations for prizes from some great local people from great local businesses.
Register today at
Pickleball returns
The local pickleball competition held by and at the Deniliquin Stadium will be returning next week.
Finishing up before the Christmas break last year, the competition has been a great success.
And it looks like this season will be no different, with seven teams signed up so far, with five players per team.
Don’t stress if you are interested in being involved though, the competition needs three individual players for these seven teams and encourage full teams of five to sign up.
Getting the opportunity to play a sport you otherwise may never have is exciting enough to give it a go.