Residents at Orana Residential Aged Care are getting additional opportunities to engage with the community and experience new things.
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In a brand new intergenerational program, Orana is partnering with South West Music and Intereach Family Day Care.
When the Pastoral Times visited one of the sessions, South West Music teacher Loretta Walker was leading singalongs in classics like Ring a Ring a Rosy, and Skidamarink A Dink A Dink and Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
The group also got to try a range of instruments such as castanets, shakers and clapsticks among others.
The music helped all the participants get active, and enjoy themselves, with everyone getting involved throughout, including using a circle rope providing connectedness in more ways than one.
Orana Residential Aged Care’s Leanne Keech said children from Intereach Family Day Care come monthly, with South West Music joining in the action once a term.
Orana is also involved in an intergenerational program involving Deniliquin High School Community and Family Service students and children from Edward River Region Early Education.
Mrs Keech said some special connections have been developed through the program, with youngsters tending to gravitate toward particular residents.
Intereach child development coordinator Marie Broadbent said the program has been well organised at Orana.
“Leanne Keach, Meg Barling and the team at Orana reached out to us to come for the intergenerational program.
“Some young children don’t have grandparents in town, so to have people who act as grandparent role models is fantastic.
“There’s plenty of research on intergenerational interaction and around the many benefits for older residents and young children.”
The popular programs will continue in 2025.
Shirley Huntley and Grayson Counsell.
Music is added as a component of the intergenerational program once a term.
Other fun activities also help forge bonding between the youngsters and Orana residents, including the circle rope.