‘‘We have developed what we want to achieve as a school and that’s all about being a community that takes strength from the wonderful people that make it up including their history, culture and diversity,’’ Mr Warwick said.
‘‘Today is our way of launching that out into the universe and dreaming big and celebrating that in lots of different ways.’’
Mr Warwick said for the past two weeks, all students had been working on their ‘‘hopes and dreams plans’’, thinking about their hopes for the future and goals they could work towards in 2019.
Regular classes were off for the day and all students had meetings with their teachers and parents to further develop their plans.
‘‘They will end up with this awesome plan for what they are going to do for the next year,’’ Mr Warwick said.
‘‘The conversations the teachers are having with the families are just so positive, productive and meaningful.’’
Mr Warwick said the activities component of the day encouraged the school community and other local organisations to become more involved in their school.
Activities included dancing, martial arts, drumming and painting, giving the students the opportunity to have a go at something new.
‘‘We’re going to offer lots of these activities after school and at lunch times,’’ Mr Warwick said.
‘‘It’s been amazing as lots of families have stayed around to enjoy what’s going on and have a nice day.’’
Mr Warwick said the event was ‘‘just one big celebration of what we are as a school’’.
‘‘This is just the start of dreaming big at Gowrie Street, this is not just one day and then we put our dreams away, we are now going to be dreaming big long into the future,’’ he said.
‘‘We’re really excited about where we are heading as a school.’’