Rotary Benalla’s Bill Parris said it was important to take action early and take the test.
‘‘That’s the message from Rotary Bowelscan,’’ Mr Parris said.
‘‘And (Rotary) has made the process easy and low-cost by making home-testing kits available for purchase online.’’
Bowel cancer affects about one in 12 Australians and Bowelscan is all about early detection.
The program was launched in 1982 by surgeon Bill Brand in the Rotary Club of Lismore.
Dr Brand was frustrated by the number of patients referred to him with advanced bowel cancer that could have had a better prognosis if discovered earlier.
Since then the program has spread to every state in Australia.
Many thousands of people have taken the test and hundreds of people owe their lives to the determination and foresight of Dr Brand and Rotary Clubs across the country.
If detected early, the cancer can be successfully treated in 90 per cent of cases.
The test is completed at home, is non-invasive and requires no food or medication restrictions.
Simply collect a brushing of the sample and return the kit in the reply-paid envelope, which is included.
Testing is by approved pathologists, and a letter of results will be sent to you and your GP.
●For more information and how to obtain a $15 kit, visit or pop into Amcal or Jenny Milner Pharmacy.